Cargo ship safety construction certificate is issued under International convention for the safety of life at sea 1974

Application of the cargo ship safety construction certificate:

Cargo ship safety construction certificate is applicable to all ship above 500 GRT except Passenger ships


Initial survey:

Cargo ship safety construction certification starts with the initial survey which is to be conducted at the time when the ship is firstly certified

Annual surveys:

Annual surveys are carried out at the anniversary date of the initial survey with a window of three months before or after.

annuals surveys are carried out at the first, second and fourth anniversary dates

Intermediate survey:

normally it is due at the middle of the five years loop with a window of 6 months before or after, but practically is carried out at the third anniversary date

Renewal survey:

At the fifth anniversary date of the initial survey with a window of 3 months before it, but can not be shifted after the full term certificate is expired

Dry dock and bottom survey:

Dry dock and bottom surveys are considered part of the cargo ship safety construction certification, as per SOLAS 1974, bottom survey is to be carried out in dry dock with internal of 30 months with maximum allowance of 36 months with condition than two dry docks are carried out in every 5 years

The dates of the last two bottom surveys are mentioned in the cargo ship safety construction certificate



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