- Normal Registration
- Bareboat charter registration (Dual Registration)
- Special registration for delivery
- Special registration for scrap
- Fishing vessels registration
- Yacht registration
Documents required for normal registration:
- Completed Application form
- Ownership details /National ID/Passport
- A duly notarized Bill of Sale, or a duly notarized Builder’s Certificate, if vessel is a new building
- Certificate of Good Standing of Applicant Corporation
- Permission to Transfer or
- Cancellation of Foreign Registry
- Proof Vessel is Free of Liens
- Request for waiver of age
- An original deletion certificate or a certified copy of the extract of registry from the previous Flag Administration.
- Copy of the Radio Accounting Authority Contract
Vessel seaworthiness Report - An original or certified copy of a tonnage certificate issued by an authorized survey company
- Proof of Liability Insurance, including oil pollution, bunker pollution and Nairobi wreck removal insurance as applicable.
Certificate of No Objection from the Primary Flag Administration in Case of Bare Boat Charter-in Type registration.
Certificate of Competency
The certificate of competency is issued to all eligible Seafarers under the provisions of STCW 2010 as amended conventions of IMO. The certificate of competency in accordance to the STCW format is granted to the seafarers after qualifying the Examination conducted by an Approved Maritime Training Institute.
General requirements to obtain Certificate of Competency by Training & Examination:
Minimum Age: 21 years
Nationality: No restrictions to any National
Medical & Physical Fitness: The Medical & Physical Fitness certificate issued by an Eswatini Maritime Affairs approved medical physician or by national’s own country’s maritime administration’s approved medical physician on prescribed format. The certificate should be in requirements with STCW , Regulations I/9 ,Section A-I/9 paragraph 7. It must be stated that the seafarer is fit for duty as a seafarer.
Photograph: One Passport size photograph taken within 6 months before the date of application. The photograph must show a facial front view of the candidate and be 1¾” x 1¾” (45mm x 45mm) in size with white background with no hat/cap/spectacle.
Proof of sea service Experience:
- A candidate’s official Seafarer’s Identification Record book & pages showing sea service.
- Letter of sea service experiences issued by employing company.
- Sea service certificate issued onboard ship by the Master of the ship.
- Previous Valid Certificate of competency /graduation/diploma certificate (if any)
STCW certificate & Value-Added certificate
Valid STCW & Value added certificate issued by Directorate of Seafarers, Eswatini Maritime Affairs Approved Maritime Training Institute or recognised Maritime administration’s pursuant to Regulation I/10 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, (STCW Convention) Approved Institute Institute under the Recognition agreement as per STCW as per guidelines.
Examination Pass Percentage: 75 %
Requisite Official Fee: As in prescribed Fee Table in official notification.