Eswatini Ship Registration

Eswatini flag administration performs to register the following registration types
- Regular Registration
- Bareboat charter registration (Dual Registration)
- Special registration for delivery
- Special registration for scrap
- Fishing vessels registration
- Yacht registration
Requirements for Provisional Registration
- Application for registration
- Request of registration application
- Previous flag certificates
- previous class and statutory certificates
- Owner company incorporation document
- Signatory authorized person passport copy
Once the above mentioned documents are submitted along with payment slip, provisional registration certificates are issued valid for one year, the following certificates are issued for the first time by the flag:
- Certificate of registration (Navigation Licenses)
- Ship station license
- Minimum safe manning certificate
- Decleration of Maritime Labour convention PART I
Once class and statutory certificates are issued by an approved recognized organization, same has to be submit to the flag along with Continuous Synopsis Record to proceed for issuance of the Continuous Synopsis Record
During the provisional registration period, the owner or the vessel representative has to submit Requirements for Permanent Registration
- Original deletion Certificate from previous registry duly notarized by notary public or apostle
- A duly notarized original Bill of Sale, or a duly notarized Builder’s Certificate, if vessel is a new building, or duly notarized court order if vessel sold in an auction
Permanent registration is issued valid for 5 years, during which flag annual taxes (specified amount to be paid not real taxes) to the flag not later than 31 December of every calendar year, except first year where the paid registration cost includes whole year annual taxes