Inventory Of Hazardous Material

Inventory of Hazardous Material (IHM) is required from new ships according to the Hong Kong Convention and from existing ships after 5 years from coming into force, yet ships entering EU ports are required to have it fro  January 2021

It is made to list all the hazardous material mentioned in Appendix I of the HKC

These Hazardous materials includes all hazardous materials found in Ship constriction, equipment and machinery

In Pharaohs marine we developed our guidelines to prepare the IHM which illustrate all hazardous materials included in ships’ life cycle

In order to prepare the hazardous material for existing ships we mix both onboard visits with review of plans and docs of the ship

Development of IHM requires five steps:

Step 1 Collection of necessary information;
Step 2 Assessment of collected information;
Step 3 Preparation of visual/sampling check plan;
Step 4 Onboard visual/sampling check; and
Step 5 Preparation of Part I of the Inventory and related documentation.

Step 1: Plans we always need to extract hazardous materials are as follows:

        • Ship’s specification
        • General Arrangement
        • Machinery Arrangement
        • Spare Parts and Tools List
        • piping Arrangement
        • Accommodation Plan
        • Fire Control Plan
        • Fire Protection Plan
        • Insulation Plan (Hull and Machinery)
        • International Anti-Fouling System Certificate
        • Related manuals and drawings
        • Information from other inventories and/or sister or similar ships, machinery, equipment, materials and coating
        • Results of previous visual/sampling checks and other analysis
      • Preparation of indicative list as the total list of hazardous materials might exceed thousands of items, so the indicative list shows the possibles locations where each hazardous material mentioned in Appendix I can be found
Step 2: Assessment of collected information: every information collected in step 1, is assessed and a checklist is prepared for the ships showing the existence of hazardous materials and volume of them
Step 3: Preparation of visual/ sampling check plan: each item in step 2 is marked for check or not, if marked for check a plan has to be made to conduct the visual check and sampling if required
Step 3: Onboard visual /Sampling check: visual/ sampling check is then conducted according to plan prepared in Step 3

Step 4: Preparation of the IHM: The all information collected in previous steps are consolidated to develop the IHM as follows:

    • Development of the IHM
    • Development of locations diagrams of hazardous material





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